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college town artinya

contoh kalimat "college town"
  • In a college town back east. He was capped.
    Di kota pelajar di timur, dia dibungkam.
  • A college town near Mystic Falls.
    Sebuah perguruan disekitar Mystic Falls.
  • WNC Historic Luxury Home in a Charming College Town
    WNC Historic Luxury Home di Kota Perguruan Tinggi yang menawan
  • No.94, North Road of College Town, Shapingpa District, Chongqing, China
    No.94, Jalan Utara Kota Perguruan Tinggi, Distrik Shapingpa, Chongqing, Tiongkok
  • Transformed in a College Town – a WNC Historic Luxury Home
    Berubah di Kota Perguruan Tinggi - Rumah Mewah Bersejarah WNC
  • Live in a small and friendly college town; join a family that cares
    Tinggal dan hidup di kota pelajar yang kecil dan bersahabat; bergabung dengan keluarga yang peduli
  • Safe, friendly college town (pop. 80,000) with all the conveniences of a big city
    Kota pelajar yang aman dan bersahabat (jumlah penduduk 80.000) dengan semua kenyamanan kota besar
  • Transylvania County — with the beautiful college town of Brevard, and over 250 waterfalls!
    Transylvania County - dengan kota perguruan tinggi yang indah Brevard, dan di atas air terjun 250!
  • Lionel George Logue was born in College Town, Adelaide, South Australia, the oldest of four children.
    Lionel George Logue lahir di College Town, Adelaide, Australia Selatan, sebagai anak sulung dari empat bersaudara.
  • Laramie, Wyoming, home to UW is a college town conveniently located two hours north of Denver, Colorado.
    Laramie, Wyoming, merupakan asal UW dan kota kampus sejauih dua jam utara Denver, Colorado.
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